Our Success

Your Success Is Our Success

Based on the core values that formed Beacon’s foundation coupled with our decades of experience, we have adopted 10 business philosophies that we are proud to share:

Every current and future Beacon team member will share one personal characteristic, a love for what they do. An unquenchable desire to achieve that certain objective and that inner drive that will inevitably breed success.
Preparation and Vision
To properly map the future, you need to know where you are and where you’ve been. Success in the technical staffing field is not a matter of luck; rather even a baby step in the right direction requires practice and a sound strategic action plan.
The feeling that overpowers all fears rewards many for assuming educated risk and persevering to attain their set objectives despite the odds and setbacks. No great accomplishment comes without obstacles.
Train Your Team To Do Better
Heavily investing in your employees, both junior and senior, will always yield a positive ROI.
Customer Service
Create and maintain the highest level of customer and contractor satisfaction. Exceeding their expectations will ensure their loyalty.
Clients needs may vary, but their need for quality is constant.
Detail Oriented
Being a perfectionist is not a weakness.
Listening intently and diligently is an absolute required skill in the match making business.
No Pain, No Gain
Success will not just happen. Strong determination combined with a stronger work ethic is a prerequisite.
These philosophies are most effective when applied daily.

“Throughout a long career as an Engineering Director, I have never worked with a vendor as dedicated and committed to Quality and Customer Service as Beacon Engineering.”

-Alex, Director of Engineering

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